**Brew Pub(Lotzza Motzza) Pizza Fundraiser**
We will be doing a pizza fundraiser again this year. There is a $30 fundraising deposit in the registration, which you can earn back by selling 10 pizzas. If you sell 20 pizzas, you will get an extra $30 for a total of $60 in return.
$60 is the maximum that a family can be refunded.
This fundraiser has been very successful in the past and we would like to thank everyone again who participated. The money is used to purchase new training and development tools for our teams. Some of those items include flight control balls, weighted training balls and new portable mounds. The money is also used to help maintain and upgrade fields when we can. With the addition of these items, teams and coaches are able to be more efficient in teaching skills that help the kids enjoy the game and be successful as they grow and develop.
Monday, May 5th - Deadline for order forms to be handed out to families.
Monday, May 19th - Deadline for completed order forms to be turned in to coaches. An MBA board member will pick up order forms from coaches on this date.
Wednesday, June 25th - Pizza Pickup Day
5:30pm - 6:30pm at Monticello High School Main Street
***Pizzas must be picked up during this time frame as we do not have freezer space to store them.